Summer term week 1

Date: 24th Apr 2019 @ 8:23pm

Welcome back!

I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter! Thank you to everyone for supporting your child in completing their Easter Bonnet homework, they all look amazing. I will upload some photos of them all wearing them soon.

This week is a short week but still packed full of activities and learning. We will introduce our exciting new topic of dinosaurs and will be thinking about what we know already about dinosaurs before we begin learning and extending on our knowledge.

In maths, we will move on to subtraction methods and using of knowledge of the number system to count backwards.

P.E will resume this week continuing key skills and moving and handling before we begin to focus on sports days practice. 

Phonics will continue to be taught daily as we move onto the next set in our learning. As the weather warms please ensure your child has a water bottle in school daily, a hat for sunny days and sun cream that they can apply themselves or they have had on prior to school. Additionally, they will also need a coat as the British weather can often change over the duration of a day!

Many thanks

Mrs Allen