We Are Learning About ...

A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16


As writers, we will be writing a formal biography about Chris Hadfield.    To ensure our biographies are authentic, we will be drawing on our reading and research. Whilst writing, we will improve the meaning by carefully selecting the appropriate grammar and vocabulary.  We will then make changes to our initial vocabulary grammar and punctuation to enhance effects and clarify meaning.

As scientists, we will be building on our previous knowledge of Earth and Space so we can confidently describe the movement of the Earth & other planets as well as the moon.   We will also be understanding of day and night and the movement of the sun across the sky.

As engineers, we will be using our scientific knowledge to help us develop our engineering skills.  
We will be building on our knowledge of forces and changing materials to help us successfully launch a rocket into space.

As engineers, we will also be developing out robotic skills to create a piece of remote control space equipment from Lego. 

As computer technologist, we will be using 2DIY 3D to design a computer game based around the theme of space.  
Once we have completed our games, we will be using 2Blog to share them with our class.

As artists, we will be using our previous knowledge and skills to select which brushes and paint we need before deciding on what techniques to use to create a painting on a constellation of stars.

Our homework matrix and study theme web can also be found below. 

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