Otters (Reception)

A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16

Level 1 Remote Learning

Level 1 remote learning will take place when a child is absent from school due to illness, self isolation of themselves or a household member, government advised quarantine after foreign travel or awaiting the results of a Covid 19 test for themselves or household member.

We do not expect children to complete remote learning if they are not well enough to do so. Please don't worry about any work they miss - they will catch up. It's more important that they recover.

Level 1 absence in Reception.

  • Daily reading - Use their schol books or Oxford Owl (click on the image below)

To access the books, click on the pink box that says “my class login” it’s at the top right had side of the page. Now enter the login details. Username - Otters2020 Password -  Reception

  • Phonic practice -  (see videos attached below and phonics sheets attached)
  • Takeaway topic homework (see attached file)
  • White Rose Maths home learning  Week 2  'Building 9 and 10' lessons, the sessions are aimed to be practical activities (click on the images below to watch the video clip for each day's lesson - there is also a supporting PDF to go with each video)
  • Purple Mash - Log in to your purple mash account and access the 'To Do' tasks


Any work completed during a Level 1 absence can be completed in your child’s yellow homework journal.

Ring or email us if you need any additional support or advice. 

Files to Download