Well Being and Additional Support for Parents & Children
A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16
Below you will find links to a range of useful websites as well as some useful resources below.
Simply click on the icon and it will direct you to their website.
There is also some additional information on our SEN Page,
Don't ever forget we are always here to help too.
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Are you looking to learn more about a particular mental health issue? Perhaps a friend has been feeling anxious, your parents are more stressed than usual, or you've been feeling low and not sure why. There mental health resources are co-designed by young people and mental health professionals. They help make sense of issues that are more common than you might think.
At present many parents will be juggling childcare with working from home.
The NSPCC has created an information and advice resource for parents/careers of young people with anxiety about Coronavirus.
Heartsmart @ Home
Quite a few of our children are familiar with and use the Heartsmart. In response to school closures, the team at Heartsmart have launched a free family resource kit that all children/parents can access at home and online. There’s lots of purpose filled activities, a daily Boris film, fun videos - we do hope it brings strength and wellbeing during this unsettling time.
Every Mind Matter - Looking After Your Mental Health
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives.
The Every Mind Matters website provides expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.
CEOP is a well known and valuable child exploitation resource bank. Given current circumstances they are releasing a new activity pack every 2 weeks to support parents to deliver online safety activities with children at a time when they will be spending more time online at home.
Don't to get to visit our main E-Safety page for further advice.