A Warmingham Theologian
A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16
Why is Religious Education Important?
A high-quality religious education (RE) curriculum is essential to meet the statutory requirement for all maintained schools to teach a broad and balanced curriculum. At the heart of RE in church schools is the teaching of Christianity, rooted in the person, love and work of Jesus Christ. There is a clear expectation that as inclusive communities, church schools encourage learning about other religions and world views fostering respect for them.
RCSAT’s Vision for Religious Education
At the heart of RE in church schools is the teaching of Christianity, rooted in the person, love and work of Jesus Christ. There is a clear expectation that as inclusive communities, church schools encourage learning about other religions and world views fostering respect for them.
Through a rich and varied Religious Education curriculum at Dawpool, pupils will have developed a secure understanding of Christianity and other World Faiths including Islam, Judaism and Hinduism. This understanding will be secured through the delivery of the Chester Diocesan RE scheme of work. Pupils will demonstrate religious literacy through questioning, debate and explanations supported by Biblical references. Pupils will have the opportunity to visit places of worship to further their
Religious Education at Warmingham
As a Church of England school, ‘Let your light shine’ is at the heart of all that we do at Warmingham. We work together to nurture the wellbeing, learning and growth of everyone, empowering all to shine as individuals through our school values, founded in the Christian faith. Please see our most recent SIAMS inspection for which we were awarded outstanding.
R.E. is a very important part of the life of Warmingham CE Primary School. Although it is taught in lessons we strive to ensure that Christian values are evident throughout the school. We are also part of the Global Learning Programme. This too links in with our Christian values. The children are engaged through visiting speakers, drama activities, role playing festivals, art work, exploring beliefs in creative and imaginative ways, writing activities, educational visits and studying religious artefacts.
Within our school calendar we also allow for specific RE days or weeks where we focus on different Christian beliefs. These times allow the children to think more deeply about aspects of Christianity or Christian festivals and usually fall at the beginning or end of the term. For example, at Christmas time, we had a morning of Messy Christmas Crafts to help children develop their understanding of Christmas and the Christmas story. We also look forward to our Easter week which is full of activities including art, music and drama. Our most recent event was our Hinduism day where visitors taught us all about their religion.
We have strong links with St. Leonard's, our local village church, and this enhances our learning and understanding of what it means to belong. We visit at Harvest, Christmas and Easter and for many other celebrations in between. The church community also puts on interactive workshops through Saturday Church for the children to experience. We work closely with our vicar, Rev. Catherine Cleghorn, alongside guests from our Warmingham community who regularly lead our worships and always tells an engaging and animated story based on the Christian Value for that term.