School Meals and Snacks
A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16
Dinner Menus
The school has a wonderful cook on site who provides a wide range of nutritious freshly cooked food on a daily basis. The lunchtime menu (see attached file) rotates on a two week cycle. Children order their food daily. Parents can select a school lunch or provide their own packed lunch. School Meals are free for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, however, the cost of a school meal for the older children is £3.20 per day. Children remain on the school premises during the lunchtime break where they are supervised by some of our teaching assistants and our midday supervisors. Your child will be encouraged to eat as much of their lunch as possible but we will never force a child to eat. We will let you know if your child has any issues in eating their lunch. Please inform the school of any allergies or specific dietary requirements.
You can pay and pre order lunches and trips using the free Teachers2parents app or online at click link School Money Parent Log In
Is your child eligible for free school meals? If you receive: income support, income based jobseekers allowance, income-related employment and any other type support allowance, then you may be entitled to free school meals.
If you feel that you may meet any of these criteria then you can call the schools team on 0300 123 5012 to find out more or speak with Mrs. Marsden, who will be able to help you.
Play Time Snacks
As part of our morning routine, children can have a snack a playtime to keep the hunger pangs away and keep up their energy levels until lunchtime. It’s important that the snacks don’t contain too much sugar to avoid highs and lows throughout the school day. After half term, the class teachers will be promoting healthy snacks with the children.
Healthier Snack Suggestions:
- Fruit
- Vegetables sticks with hummus or cream cheese
- Bread sticks
- Cheese such as Baby-bel or cheddar chunks
- Low sugar cereal bars
- Low sugar flapjacks
- Raisins
- Crackers
- Rice cakes
- Small party sized bag of biscuits (less than 100 calories)
Please do not send the children in with the following snacks:
- Nuts (allergies)
- Chocolate bars
- High sugar biscuits (more than 100 calories)
- Crisps
Don’t forget! Free fruit is available for the children in Otters and Hedgehogs.