St Leonard's Church - Church and School Working Together
A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16

St Leonard’s Church actively supports the Christian foundation of our school. Rev Paul North and Helan Isherwood lead Collective Worship at the school and also play an active and vital role in the school. Helan Isherwwod is also one of our local governors.
We are thrilled to have such a close working relationship with St Leonard's as this allows us to bring our local community even closer together in praise and worship. The children have the honour of hosting many weekday services throughout the year at the church, these include Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, Easter and Leavers Services.

The church regularly prays for the school and includes the prayers for the school family. Numerous people from St Leonard’s Church are very active at the school as parents, local governors, staff and volunteers, supporting the school in its aim of being a caring, inclusive and prayerful Christian community.
Visit St Leonard's website for more information