Working Together As Team - Home & School

A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16

We feel strongly that school and parents must work closely together to ensure the very best for our children.    The key to this is effective communication between school and home.     We have an open door policy and encourage all parents to either catch a teacher on the playground before school/at home time or alternatively make an appointment for a more private conversation.

A copy of our home/school agreement can be found in the documents below.    At Warmingham Church of England Primary School, we are committed to working with parents and carers to help our pupils be as successful as possible in all they do.   We do this in a Christian environment where we uphold our core Christian values – generosity, compassion, courage, forgiveness, friendship, respect, thankfulness, trust, perseverance, justice, service, truthfulness, wisdom, hope, community and dignity.  The purpose of the home/school agreement is to promote a positive and productive partnership between home and school.   

All children benefit from a good relationship between home and school and at Warmingham Church of England Primary School we are committed to developing such relationships.

If you are ever worried about anything, you must speak to your child’s class teacher and they will listen to your concerns before working with you to resolve them or just reassure you.     If you are still concerned after speaking to your child’s class teacher, you can also contact Mrs Appleby.        

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