Phonics and Spelling
A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16
Phonics and Spelling
In Year One we continue to follow the Read Write Inc (RWI) programme. This is a phonics based programme which helps children learn to spell and read whilst also developing a wide ranging vocabulary and encouraging a love of stories. Through RWI children learn to recognise the phonemes that make up words and use these to help them read fluently and at speed so that they can then focus on developing their skills in comprehension. Phonic sessions will be taught daily. Children are also taught 'red words' and 'common exception words' these are the tricky words that cannot be sounded out or don't follow a taught spelling pattern, they have to be memorised. Children will bring home red words as we learn them to practise at home. Sound Mats, Red Words and Year Group Common Exception Words can be found in the attached files. A copy of the term's spelling plan is included in the attached files below.
In Year Two pupils consoilidate their knowledge of the Set 1,2 and 3 speed sounds from the RWI programme and begin focusing on learning spelling rules about when to apply a particular phoneme (e.g which words use ai, ay or a-e or when to use oi or oy). We also look at other common spelling patterns and rules for adding prefixes of suffixes to words. We also continue to learn to read and spell 'common exception words' these are the tricky words that cannot be sounded out or don't follow a taught spelling pattern. Year Group Common Exception Words can be found in the attached files. Each week pupils will be given a set of words to practice at home to support our learning in school. A copy of the term's spelling plan is included in the attached files below.