We are learning about...
Our first study theme of the Spring term is history based, 'What Can we Learn From Events of the Past?'
'The Dragon Machine' by Helen Ward is a perfect introduction to the legendary world of dragons. The Dragon Machine uses a clever mix of text and illustrations to describe how George, a young, overlooked boy, becomes aware of dragons hiding all around him. But when it becomes apparent that they don't belong in George's ordinary world, he endeavours to do the best for his new friends and find them the home they deserve.
This inspirational book will hook us into writing our own adventure stories whilst linking our learning with other areas of our connected curriculum, including learning about the legend of the Warmingham dragon..
For more information, please take a look at our study theme web and knowledge organisers, which can be found below.

A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16