We are learning about...

a geography based study theme, 'Land, Sea and Sky', as we explore the text, 'Troll Swap' by Leigh Hodgkinson.

Timothy Limpet feels out of place in the troll family - he likes things to be just so, and most trolls, frankly, don't. Tabitha Lumpit likes things to be loud, loopy and messy and she feels like a fish out of water in her very neat family.

Sometimes they wonder if their families really see them for who they are, so when Timothy and Tabitha meet on the bridge they each decide the other's family is a better fit and swap places . . . 



This inspirational book will hook us into writing detailed descriptions of our own troll and child characters, writing a set of
instructions about how to be a good troll, and even send letters in character.

We will continue to be enthused as we delve into all the other areas of our connected curriculum.  For more information please take a look at our study theme web and knowledge organisers, which can be found below.    




A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16






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