Our Gallery
Date: 12th Sep 2021 @ 9:00am
We have enjoyed using our knowledge of place value to help us solve a problem. At times it was really challenging, but we kept going until we cracked it! #senseofachievement
Date: 12th Sep 2021 @ 8:57am
Dungeons and Dragons club started on Tuesday night, and the adventurers created their characters for the upcoming quest. They also made some fantastic Dragon Eye art!
Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 5:22pm
A huge thank you to Rev. Catherine for presenting the children in Otters with their bibles. They were very excited to recieve them.
Date: 7th Sep 2021 @ 10:46pm
Year 1 & 2 travelled back in time today to meet Mrs Grimm, a Victorian teacher and Emerald Pity the housemaid. We learned alot about what is was like to be a Victorian child. The teachers were very strict - not like Mrs B! We acted out some of the jobs children had, like working in the coal mines or working as servants for Sir Warmly. This has inspired us to find out much more...
Date: 3rd Sep 2021 @ 12:32pm
What a fantastic first two days we have had settling into our new environment and making new friends. Have a wonderful weekend Otters ready for a busy week next week. Mrs Allen
Otters class - what a wonderful year!
Date: 16th Jul 2021 @ 12:37pm
Otters it has been a delight to teach you all this year! You are all superstars. Have a wonderful summer break. Love Mrs Allen
Date: 14th Jul 2021 @ 5:02pm
It's been a week of sharing our favourite activities together. Otters were asked what they wanted to do for our last week together and they came up with some great ideas: painting, making playdough, sharing their learning journals, making their own bags, creating dinosaur worlds, magic message painting, having a picnic and making their own snack. We’ve had great fun!
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 1:55pm
Otters have done a great job for the fun run today. They managed 4 speedy laps before heading back to cool down with an ice lolly.
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 3:35pm
We have had a wonderful first sports day at school. Otters were superstars cheering on their friends. They were super impressed with themselves that they managed to beat Mrs Allen and Mr Friel in the beat the teacher race.
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 8:12am
This week Otters have been working hard consolidating their maths skills. We have revisited doubles and used cuisenaire rods to count and make numbers to 20. They have all really shown how far they have come on their mathematical journey this year. Well done everyone.
Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 3:48pm
Otters have been working hard on reading, writing and hunting for all the tricky red words today. They have blown me away with how many they can all recall now. Superstars
Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 3:38pm
Otters have been busy letting their lights shine this afternoon. We have had a STEM afternoon building using sticks of spaghetti and marshmallows. We have had some wonderful creations! Well done Otters.
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 12:37pm
It’s Friday which means it is pen disco day in Otters. Everyone has shown great perseverance in their fine motor skills as we pen danced to one of our favourite i sing pop songs. The improvement in their pencil skills is transferring into their written work now which is fantastic! Well done Otters.
Date: 27th May 2021 @ 3:32pm
This week Otters have been letting their lights as we moved onto subtraction in our maths work. This tricky concept was embraced by all as we used pictures of people on a bus, then counted passengers getting off, to then work out and how many were left. The children then wrote their own number sentences to represent this.
Date: 27th May 2021 @ 3:30pm
Otters have been enjoying the first bit of sun for a long time today. We used the water trays to fill, pour and empty a variety of containers exploring the language around full, empty and half full. We tried an tested lots of different pipes and containers to see which would hold the most then to finish we gave our dinosaurs a bath!
Date: 14th May 2021 @ 3:49pm
Hedgehogs lights are shining so brightly at the moment. We are so proud of how hard they are working and the amazing progress they are all making. We've had another great week, highlights this week include making observational sketches of sunflowers, enjoying two great PE lessons, discovering the lifecycle of a bean, writing about Jack and the Beanstalk and solving some really tricky multiplication and division problems. We've also been practicing our counting in twos, fives and tens and we are just loving our class book Fantastic Mr Fox, we can't wait to read more chapters next week!
A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Date: 14th May 2021 @ 3:37pm
This week we haveing been thinking about what it means to be part of 'A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together'. Afterwrads we created some amazing artwork.
Date: 13th May 2021 @ 11:59am
Yesterday Otters designed and made their ‘it’s not a box, it’s a boat’. Today we got to test them out to see if they would float. They did! We then had boat races to see who’s was the fastest. What fantastic designers our Otters are and their lights have definitely all shined brightly this week.
Date: 10th May 2021 @ 3:25pm
Otters have produced some super writing from our literacy text
Date: 7th May 2021 @ 7:52am
Otters have been looking at double numbers this week. We used our magic doubling mirrors to find a numbers double.
We also had an idea to turn an egg box into a caterpillar, following our not a box theme. Its not an egg box ... it
Understanding Christianity - The Big Story
Date: 29th Apr 2021 @ 8:53pm
Understanding Christianity RE Days
Understanding Christianity RE days
We have had a wonderful two days in school using